July 22, 2012

Fertility rates fall, but global population explosion goes on

Global birthrates are falling. But with many in their fertile years and political and cultural forces against contraception, the population explosion is far from over.

By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times


July 22, 2012

Runaway population growth often fuels youth-driven uprisings

In fast-growing countries, many young men are unable to find employment or pay dowries. Frustrated ambitions can be an explosive force — and a reason for joining the Taliban.

By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times


July 22, 2012

As the world’s population grows, hunger persists on a massive scale

Nearly 1 billion people are malnourished, and a child dies of hunger every 11 seconds. By 2050, farmers would have to double crop production to meet the demand.

By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times


July 22, 2012

China’s population and economy are a double whammy for the world

China’s ‘one-child’ policy has slowed population growth and brought prosperity — but it couldn’t avert massive damage to the environment.

By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times


July 22, 2012

Philippines birth control: Filipinos want it, priests don’t

In the Philippines, access to contraceptives is limited for the most part to those with the means to pay. The Catholic Church has fought a “reproductive health bill” in the legislature that would change that.

By Kenneth R. Weiss, Los Angeles Times


October 19, 2011

Just too many?

Malthus was wrong; we’re not facing worldwide famine. But the 20-year silence on population growth is calamitous for the environment and poverty.

By Bronwen Maddox, Prospect


February, 2010

The New Population Bomb

Forty-two years ago, the biologist Paul Ehrlich warned in The Population Bomb that mass starvation would strike in the 1970s and 1980s,…

By Jack A. Goldstone, Foreign Affairs