
About Osamu Wakabayashi

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So far Osamu Wakabayashi has created 23 blog entries.

Would not raising the standard of living of the poorer, developing countries increase life choices for men and women thereby encouraging smaller families and lower fertility rates?

The assumption that prosperity stabilizes or reduces population is questionable [...]

2012-02-21T17:20:36-05:00February 21st, 2012|FAQ, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Would not raising the standard of living of the poorer, developing countries increase life choices for men and women thereby encouraging smaller families and lower fertility rates?

Until the developed world gets serious about reducing its over-consumption and pollution, can the developing world realistically be expected to deal with its population growth?

Of course, the developed world should curb its consumption, but [...]

2012-02-21T17:19:40-05:00February 21st, 2012|FAQ, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Until the developed world gets serious about reducing its over-consumption and pollution, can the developing world realistically be expected to deal with its population growth?

Don’t poor families living off subsistence agriculture need large families to help with their labours and to ensure parents will have enough children to support them in their old age?

Historically, there have been the leading incentives encouraging people to [...]

2012-02-21T17:19:04-05:00February 21st, 2012|FAQ, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t poor families living off subsistence agriculture need large families to help with their labours and to ensure parents will have enough children to support them in their old age?
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