New Films Tackle the Environmental Movement and Population

Michael Moore Stirs the Pot

As PIC members and followers may know, a new documentary by Michael Moore, Planet of the Humans, has been getting a lot of attention. Although only released on April 21st, it has already garnered over 4 million views on YouTube, where it is available for free.
Michael Moore’s new documentary explores the human impact on climate change.
Moore’s film is a critical – one might even say harsh – examination of the green energy movement and its almost exclusive focus on climate change. On the YouTube synopsis of the documentary, Moore comments on his film:

“This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It’s too little, too late.
Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars? No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine”).

The reaction by some environmentalists and others was swift and angry. Moore has been criticized for being unfair, “throwing out the baby with the bathwater,” and being “full of misinformation.” Bill McKibben, founder of and one of the environmentalists criticized in the film, also responded.

No doubt some of the information presented by Moore is erroneous or incomplete. Nevertheless, the basic premise of his film, that all efforts to “save the planet” are futile unless we do something about our ever-growing numbers, is correct. And Moore is right that this basic truth about population growth has been avoided by far too many for far too long—a view also shared by The Overpopulation Project.

We invite you to view the film and come to your own conclusions!

In His Soon-to-be-Released Film, Sir David Attenborough Reflects on His Life and Humanity’s Impact on the Planet

“Human beings have overrun the world ” – Sir David Attenborough examines the destruction we’ve wrought in his new documentary film.
The indefatigable Sir David Attenborough, whom PIC is proud to have as one of our honourary patrons, has – at the age of 93! – produced a new documentary called A Life on Our Planet. Sir David deems this film to be his witness statement and his vision for the future, and states that “humans beings have overrun the world.”

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic (speaking of overrunning the world?), the release of his documentary, which was to have opened in cinemas on April 16th and on Netflix shortly thereafter, has been postponed to an unspecified time, but the trailer can be seen here.

In the meantime, we invite PICers to enjoy Sir David’s rendering of Louis Armstrong’s iconic song “What a Wonderful World” from a few years ago.

Contact: Madeline Weld, Ph.D.
President, Population Institute Canada
Tel: (613) 833-3668
Email: [email protected]