Write to your MP (no stamp required)
Ask your MP to support reduced immigration, to levels equal to emigration, and which reflect Canada’s realistic carrying capacity with due regard to climate and bio-diversity and environmental impact.
Press the need for more rigorous, environmentally sustainable development policies;
Express dissatisfaction with Canada’s failure to adopt a sustainable population policy or to endorse unconditional, universal access to the full range of reproductive health services;
Urge adoption by Canada of a policy to make readily available, non-coercive family planning a significant, integral part of all Canadian aid programs.
Write to or email the Prime Minister (no stamp required)
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON, K1A OA2
Fax: 613 941-6900
You can also connect to the Prime Minister online at https://pm.gc.ca/eng/connect
Write or email a specific Minister (no stamp required)
Contact info for members of the current cabinet can be found on the Parliament of Canada website.
The Honourable Karina Gould: [email protected]
Minister of International Development
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Phone: 1 613 995-0881
Write to the Media
Letters to newspaper editors/columnists on population have an impact, including on government policies.
- Make the link between population numbers and environmental degradation—effective in an era of increasing ecological and biodiversity sensibilities.
- Highlight the effects of ever more people on poverty, hunger, the environment, gender equity. Note the endless cycles of Third World famine, human suffering and strife due to the increase in human numbers and stress the correlation between family size, poverty and the condition of women and girls. Available and affordable family planning is essential to break these cycles.
Relentless urbanization and associated suburban sprawl consume valuable arable land and forests world-wide and lead to extreme traffic congestion. Environmental degradation goes hand in hand with increased numbers of people.
The Globe and Mail
Mr. David Wilmsley, Editor-in chief
Email Letters to the Editor (letters should be exclusive to the Globe and Mail, must include name, address, daytime phone number and be 150 words or fewer): [email protected]
The National Post
Ms. Anne Marie Owens, Editor-in-chief
Email Letters to the Editor (see above for rules): [email protected]
Mr. Hubert Lacroix, President
To email go to CBC website
Audience Relations, CBC
P.O. Box 500 Station A
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5W 1E6
Ms. Wendy Freeman, President
CTV Television Network,
P.O.Box 9, Sta “O”, Scarborough,
ON M4A 2M9
Don’t overlook social media,websites, blogs, local newspapers and TV stations.
-All are useful targets for population-related advocacy.
Engage your church, synagogue, mosque or temple.
-All are interested in the temporal concerns of their followers.
Remember, population growth and the environment are inextricably linked.
-Sign petitions, join demonstrations about climate change, destruction of wildlife habitats or other ecological/biodiversity-related issues. Campaign against “green field” development. Support public over private transit.
-Environmentalists need reminding that unrelenting population growth leads to climate change and the destruction of the natural world on which we and all other life depends.
Support Family Planning Charities
-Reproductive health organizations that meet the public’s contraceptive needs deserve support.
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
251 rue Bank Street, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, ON, K2P 1X3
Email: info@sexualhealthand rights.ca
Talk up population issues and their environmental impact
-PIC is pleased to help with material and may also provide speakers on request.
Recruit Members, Raise Funds
-More members mean more resources, and enable PIC to extend and intensify our work.