Too clever by half, but not nearly smart enough
Humans pride themselves as being the most ‘intelligent’ species on Earth yet, despite a half century of stark warnings by many of our best scientists, the [...]
Who rules the world?
A musical reminder by Dan Mayo of the critical importance of plankton at the bottom of our food chain.
Vanishing Insects Spell Trouble for Humans
Narrated by Sofia Pineda Ochoa, this 25-minute videos describes the devastating impact of 8 billion humans and their green energy megaprojects on insect populations.
How the Earth’s Population Exploded
The development of the Haber-Bosch process, which uses nitrogen from the air to create fertilizer, led to an increased food supply and drove population growth.
Agriculture, Population Growth, and the Challenge of Climate Change
This video is very long (80 minutes) and academic, but for those seeking an in depth understanding of food issues going all the way back to [...]
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
Roy Beck of NumbersUSA uses gumballs to demonstrate the futility of trying to solve global overpopulation through migration. The video was produced in 2010 and numbers [...]
Will Modern Civilization be the Death of Us? (Part 1 — with Dr. William Rees)
Will Modern Civilization be the Death of Us? Does our modern techno-industrial society destroy the biophysical basis of our existence? William Rees is a population ecologist, [...]
David Suzuki speaks about overpopulation
David Suzuki speaks about world populations and how growth, is ultimately suicidal.
The Impossible Hamster
What the impossible hamster has to teach us about economic growth. A new animation from nef (the new economics foundation), scripted by Andrew Simms, numbers crunched [...]
Overpopulation – The More the Merrier?
Way back in 1950 when my parents were born there were 2,5 billion people on this planet. By the time I arrived in 1985, this had [...]
CNN speaks out on Population
CNN’s Jack Cafferty discusses world population on the Cafferty File…
Where’s the Controversy in Saving Lives?
Melinda Gates speaks to why giving women and girls access to family planning tools and information is the easiest way to allow them the ability to [...]